evolvedMD Resources

Small Actions, Big Impact: Join evolvedMD on Mental Health Action Day

Written by Evan Sakrison | May 19, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Deeply committed to elevating the conversation around mental health, evolvedMD is proud to announce its ongoing participation in the second annual Mental Health Action Day. As an inaugural partner, we collaborate with over 1,600 other leading entities across the globe to empower people to prioritize their mental health so they can lead happy, healthy lives.

Stigma and barriers to access make it increasingly difficult for many Americans to seek help. But today, we invite you to take charge of your own mental health by taking small actions for big impact. , With an organization with a deep bench of mental health experts and a team passionate about normalizing mental health, we’ve curated a handful of simple actions for big impact for you, your friends, your loved ones, your colleagues, and your community.

Small Action #1: Reach out to a friend, colleague, or loved one and ask, “How are you doing?”

The Big Impact: Whether via text or a five-minute phone call, taking the time to check in with a friend, colleague, or loved one will inspire open and honest dialogue. Not to mention, showing you care creates a safe environment where the person you’re talking to feels comfortable sharing how they really feel.

Small Action #2: Lace up your shoes and go outside for a walk.

The Big Impact: Research shows that even a 15-minute walk offers great benefits including reduced stress, improved mood, and higher energy throughout the day.

Small Action #3: Check in with yourself using these mental health strategies from evolvedMD’s Head of Strategy, Sentari Minor.

The Big Impact: Betting on yourself, prioritizing whole-person health, journaling, nurturing your passion, and freely asking others for help will empower you to take charge and understand what it means to you to be mentally fit.

Small Action #4: Subscribe to Yoga with Kassandra, a favorite of the evolvedMD team.

The Big Impact: Whether you’re a beginner or a guru, a short yoga session will help harmonize your body and mind to fight stress and maintain emotional balance. With dozens of guided videos tailored to all fitness levels, you won’t have trouble finding one to meet your needs.

Small Action #5: Commit to psychological safety in your organization.

The Big Impact: Asking one, two, or all six questions will drive clarity and understanding amongst your team, promoting positive dialogue and appreciation for each other for a healthier, more productive work environment.


Designed to be simple and accessible, each small action comes with immediate benefits, but compounded over time translates into big impact that everyone can enjoy. Look inward and ask yourself, “What can I do for my mental health today?” and then act. Remember, this is your mental health journey and action looks different for everyone – all you have to do is start.

Visit the Mental Health Action Day website for
additional engagement points, resources, and more.